Pictures and Tales of Pups
This is a small tribute to a Little Brown Dog named Bruno, who was out of Strider and Kendra. Gone at nine years of age but oh the memories he has left behind.
His family wrote the following:
This is Lacey Mae one of the last pups produced by Henry and Daffne. She is now two years old and doing very well as both a family and hunting companion.
We know that we have another picture of Arrow below but we found this one to be quite striking and wanted to share.
This is Arrow who lives in Ohio. He is now a year old and doing great. Arrow is out of Henry and Sage and recently turned one year old.
To the right are a couple pictures of “Violet Too”, formerly known as Betsie, the newest addition to the Boehm family. Some pups, despite having an abundance of nice doggie beds, just have to choose their own resting place. This one is certainly unique and her new sister, Zippy, is showing her a more appropriate location.
Below is Sophie, from Bernie and Davia, in her new home. Looks like she has already made friends with the family’s English Springer. They should make for a great team later this fall.
The little guy was all heart. He picked up several greater Canada’s and two tundra swans, those literally dwarfed him but he would swim them to shore then drag them to me. He hunted a few days when water would freeze on the end of his fur once he shook off. Never missed a lick. He was a tough one. I hate to even guess how many birds he retrieved. And also countless how many I never would have come out with had he not been there. His nose was incredible. He tracked deer for all my buddies when they needed a little help finding them. Sat in the stand with us when my niece and nephew shot their first deer. He treed squirrels for us too. He would jump grouse, and pheasant when we were in North Dakota. See I thought when I got him it would just be duck and dove, but he had other plans. If a gun left the safe he was in the truck no if’s or butts he wanted to go. Boating in the summer, fishing in the spring, he never left my side anytime. no matter how dark or long the days could be, he was right there by my knee.
Above are a couple of pictures of Echo, who is from Sage’s July 2024 litter. She lives in Georgia and her new family loves hunting and flying. She has started to learn all about flying although she is not too accustomed to her ear muffs yet, she likes being with the family on its adventures.
Here are a few of Echo’s litter mates shortly after they went to their new homes. On the left is Winnie who now lives in Wisconsin, not far from the birthplace of the AWS. In the center is Dewey who now lives in Washington State, and on the right is Otter, who stayed in Michigan and lives near one of the area’s best waterfowl hunting spots.
At ten years of age Chase is still getting the job done. Here he is with a quick morning’s shoot at a local pond.
Duffey, the puppy formerly known as Platte, is living the good life in Minnesota. He is the second puppy that that Fretland family has gotten from our kennel. He is probably dreaming of the adventures left to come.
In the two pictures above you see Gecko, on the left, from Sage’s 2023 litter. He now lives with a family in Illinois that has Raven, shown in the photo on the right, who recently turned 10. They are fast becoming buddies, but, as you can see, Raven rules the roost.
Above are pictures of Shenanigan meeting some of her family. Theo, on the right, came along with mom at pickup time, at home she got to meet new big brother Rowlf on the left, and Emmeline in the center. The report is that all went well.
To the left is Enzo, formerly Goose, who now lives in Ohio. His family reports that “Enzo is doing great adjusting to his new home” and “… thank you so much for setting us up with a puppy that has clearly been given the roadmap for success.” Enzo has settled in just fine and is already taking well to his training. As you can see his place board training is going well.
Maksym, from Bernie and Ro, showing what he can do at dock diving. Look at the intensity in the boy! He sure is loving this game… and well he should.
Here is something you don’t see much, an American Water Spaniel in France. Owned by the lovely couple engaged to be married later this year. The dog’s name is S’Tayaut and he is a direct descendant of our kennel and was bred by the groom’s mother, Sophie. Fittingly, the castle in the background is Chateau de Chambord, built by Francis 1 as a hunting lodge, so the AWS fits right in.
Fermi, formerly known as Rice from Ginger’s latest litter, snuggled up with her new big brother Fenway.
This cute little pup is Lilly, also from Ginger’s September litter. Cuteness personified.
This is Charlie, formerly known as Otter from Sage’s recent litter, exploring what will one day be his hunting grounds along the shores of Long Island, NY.
A couple of pictures and a video of Snug (Bernie x Ro 2022) getting the job done for Fisher. Nice work you two.
Here is a video of Sully and Maizy, siblings that are just 1.5 years apart in age. Maizy was formerly known as Maple in Ro’s litter born this past July.
This is Maggie looking great at 13.5 years of age. She is now a retired duck hunting retriever and living a good life in Florida. She was a littermate to our Sparkle and Peanut.
This is Tuvaaq, formerly Ash, from Bernie and Ro. He just went to his new home the end of September and has already encountered snow! He is living in Alaska, above the arctic circle, so it is not too surprising.
Hildy, formerly known as Millet from Ginger’s latest litter, snuggle up with her new big brother Rudy.
A sleepy Zahra, resting up from her recent vet check up. She was known as Quinoa while growing up here.
Chai, formerly known as Gazelle from Sage’s litter, out enjoying the fresh layer of snow. She was trying to eat the snow and thus the white beard.
This is Badger (Yakima) from our Henry x Ginger litter born in January. He is shown here on one of his first hunts in Colorado. Word is that he did a great job retrieving a goose from the river.
We congratulate Steve and his dog Reggie (Henry x Ginger) upon the completion of their AKC Junior Hunter title in August. Steve is a member of the Great Lakes AWSC and a regular at its training sessions. Reggie was entered in four tests and passed the test each time, to earn his new title. In addition Reggie hunts pheasant, ruffed grouse, and anything else he can find to flush and/or retrieve.
This is Maksym working toward his Senior Dock Diving title. He jumped his personal best with a length of 18 feet to earn his title.
This is Badger, formerly known as Yakima from Ginger’s most recent litter. Here he is practicing his place board training at about 12 weeks of age.
In contrast to Maggie on the left, we have Cherry here. She is just 10 weeks old and pictured here in her new home. Dad looks mighty happy with the new addition.
Kevin and Chase earned an HRC UH title the first weekend of March 2023. Chase is nine years old and did not start working on HRC titles until late in life. He is doing a bang-up job, which makes sense since he has so much real-world experience in the marshes and fields. We congratulate this team on its success and wish them many more years of teamwork in the field.
This is Jacob and his dog Scout, from a breeding between Chunk and Ursa in 2022. These are Scout’s first waterfowl retrieves and it looks like he did a fine job. One goose and one Wood duck retrieved from about 80 yards out. Not bad you two, keep up the good work.
And here is Arrow, formerly Beech, who lives in Ohio. He appears to be pondering the day. We love the picture.
And here is Burt (Guinness), Badger’s littermate, bringing in a Blue wing Teal while hunting in Wisconsin. These pups are doing quite well at less than nine months of age.
This is Brisbane with his housemate Hazel. He is from Ginger’s last litter and has become good friends with Hazel.
This is Scout, from a breeding of Chunk and Ursa, who celebrated his first birthday in April. His owner reports: He’s had a pretty good first year I would say. He went on a total of 5 pheasant hunts and has really started to figure out the game. He learned how to track deer and helped track 3 of them down. He holds steady, can be sent for a retrieve, stopped with a whistle, and cast in a direction with a hand signal.
This is Lacey Mae who was born in 2022 to Henry and Daffne. She is working on her upland and retrieve training and doing pretty well. Her owner shared the picture and video so we thought we would share it with our guests. Nice work Lacey Mae, keep it up!
A boy and his dog, Jimbo was known as Oats and is from Ginger’s latest litter.
Rupert, formerly known as Panda, resting in a lap after a play session in his new home. We will be seeing Rupert at training sessions with the GLAWSC in Michigan.
When brother and sister play hard they need to rest… together it seems. The report is that they love to sleep together.