The dogs shown on this page have crossed the Rainbow Bridge but not without first contributing to our breeding program and the AWS community. Some are Little Brownies dogs and others are dogs used in our breeding program. We show them here as a means for you to see and read a little about dogs that may show up in a pedigree containing Little Brownies dogs. So often people will see a name in a pedigree wonder about the looks of the dog or want to know something about it. Unfortunately, such information is not easy to come by. We hope that this page helps to prevent that from occurring with at least some of our dogs.
CH Little Brownies Gunner Boy CD
Call name: Gunner
Born: July 1, 1988
Died: March 1999
OFA - ECR: AWS 193
OFA Hip: AWS-105G25M-T
Gunner was the second AWS we ever owned and became the foundation male for our breeding program. He had one mission in life and that was to hunt! Whether he was working a field for pheasants, the northern woods for grouse, or a local marsh retrieving game Gunner was all business. Gunner was a wonderful companion as well and served as a good ambassador for the breed at dog shows and other doggie events. He earned his AKC show champion and obedience titles in a very short time. Gunner was the quintessential AWS that showed his happiness with life and its situations by yodeling loud and often. He is still sorely missed today.
CH U-CDX Little Brownies Cinnamon Teal CDX
Call name: Teal
Born: April 16, 1991
Died: September 23, 2005
OFA - ECR: AWS 133
OFA Hip: AWS-166G25F
Teal was our foundation female. In her younger days she was shown extensively in AKC obedience events and was the top ranked AWS in obedience for a number of years. She was the first AWS to become a UKC show champion in "modern" times and to earn the UKC Companion Dog Excellent title. Teal was always a top field dog and would still hunt up birds and rabbits even in her later days. Teal was fourteen and a half years old when we lost her to old age.
Li'l Brownies Northern Theo
Call name: Theo
Born: October 30, 1993
Died: June 14, 2008
OFA - ECR: AWS 344
OFA Hip: AWS-354F65M-T
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH4/111M-PI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA89/115M/C-PI
Theo was from our second litter and the son of Ch. Little Brownie's Gunner Boy, CD and CH U-CDX Little Brownies Cinnamon Teal, CDX and spent most of his life as a family companion and field dog to a family living in Sudbury, Ontario. Theo had returned to us on occasion to be used at stud and fathered some nice pups.. He was a superb dog on ruffed grouse and enjoyed bringing in a duck or two whenever given the opportunity. Like many of our AWS, Theo loved children, and he enjoyed a good romp in the field whenever possible. Unfortunately for his family, when Theo was nine years old, one of their young children suffered some health issues and Theo had to find another home. We were asked if we would take him back and, of course, we immediately said yes. Theo lived out the rest of his life - five good years - here on our farm as a companion and house dog. He helped to raise a few litters of puppies and kept everyone in line. He was a house mate to his mother until her death in 2005 and then to his breeding partner, Savi, until his death.
CH Little Brownies Savanna
Call name: Savi
Born: May 27, 1995
Died: July 24, 2012
OFA - ECR: AWS 240/2004-110
OFA Hip: AWS-302E25F-T
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH1/92F-PI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA49/72F/C-PI
Savi was one of our favorite hunting companions, possessing remarkable drive and poise in the field. She showed promise from her first day of field training when she was just eight weeks of age and always stood in the wings waiting to take the place of her grandmother Teal. Savi spent many a day in the marshes and meadows of Michigan and North Dakota hunting everything from grouse and pheasant to ducks and geese. She was a great working dog and one of our special companions. She hunted strong until well into her 11th year and then was allowed to retire and make way for others. In her advanced years she would occasionally get to hunt a bird or two... even at 17 years of age. Long lived for an AWS she was able to witness the birth of her great-great-great-grandpups. Her favorite daily pastime? Swimming in the pond... right up to the end.
Little Brownies Vino Dolce
Call name: Vinnie
Born: March 19, 1997
Died: August 29, 2003
OFA - ECR: AWS 311
OFA Hip: AWS-352G24M-T
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH2/70M-PI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA9/24M/C-T
Vinnie was the son of Ch. Little Brownies Savanna and Ch. Little Brownies TJ Maxx. In his all too short life Vinnie was, first and foremost, a hunting companion. In a time that predated the AWS's ability to run in AKC hunt tests Vinnie was trained to the Master Hunter level. He worked as a tireless retriever in the marshes and as a top flushing dog in the field. Vinnie traveled to North Dakota three years in a row and earned his keep day after day. We have never had an AWS that was better at showing off the sweet side of our breed. He would always greet people with friendly attention and loved to play with children. Vinnie was a gentle dog that would roll on the floor with five week old puppies and be the first to show them around the farm when it came time to let them venture out on walks. Vinnie died far too young when he chased a rabbit across the road and was hit by a passing truck. No dog is missed more than Vinnie.
CH Little Brownies Ceska Vino
Call name: Ceska
Born: March 19, 1997
Died: February 27, 2012
OFA - ECR: AWS 310/2004--82
OFA Hip: AWS-353G24F-T
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH3/70F-PI
OFA Cardiac:AWS-CA50/51F/C-PI
Ceska was a great little hunting dog, a tireless retriever, and a fantastic mom. Like her mother Savi, and her grandmother Teal, she was dynamite in the field but she really excelled as a water dog. Keeping Ceska out of the water was nigh on to impossible and having another dog beat her to a retrieve was pretty much unheard of. Dog shows were never her forte but she did earn a UKC show championship. Ceska loved people and, at times, seemed to think she was one. She was as much at home sitting in your lap as she was sitting in a duck blind. In short, she was just the kind of dog we enjoyed having around. She shared our home for nearly 15 years and her presence in sorely missed.
CH Kei-Rin's Foxfire
Call name: Foxie
Born: April 29, 1997
Died: January 24, 2011
OFA - ECR: AWS 327/2004--87
OFA Hip: AWS-355G24F-T
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH5/108F-PI
OFA Cardiac:AWS-CA26/27F/S-T
Foxie came to our home a bit later in life at the age of about four and a half. She had not worked out at her previous owners and, because she was the granddaughter of Teal and the daughter of one of our favorite dogs, we chose to try her out in our household. From the day she arrived Foxie has always acted as though she belonged right here. Although seemingly withdrawn at first, Foxie blossomed into both a great companion dog and a pretty good little field dog. She especially loves to search out the birds and bunnies from the field but will settle for fetching up a bird or two from the pond if that is all you can give her. Foxie likes to be on the move nosing her way through coverts, ditches, wood piles, and the like with the intention of putting a bird in the air or a rabbit on the run. Foxie proved to be the best of moms relishing her role as teacher, provider, protector, and companion to her offspring.
CH Little Brownies Baci
Call name: Baci
Born: July 25, 1999
Died: April 29, 2010
OFA - ECR: AWS 396
OFA Hip: AWS-420G25F-PI
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH6/69F-PI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA51/23F/C-PI
Baci was both a companion and a fine hunting dog that showed her abilities on the prairie fields of North Dakota and in the backwoods of Michigan. As she matured she became both a family and hunting companion to Lynn's brother who lives in southern Michigan. A troubled delivery caused us to have her spayed after her first litter and so her breeding days were ended about as quickly as they began. Baci was a wonderful mom and produced a nice litter of pups including our own Violet; who looks like she could be Baci's twin. Baci was a common fixture of the Great Lakes AWSC training days and did a fine job as both a retrieving and flushing dog.
CH Little Brownies Ceske Pivo
Call name: Pivo
Born: November 12, 2001
Died: January 5, 2017
OFA - ECR: AWS-459/2008--81
OFA Hip: AWS-466G24M-PI
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH7/53M-PI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA85/18M/C-PI
OFA Degenerative Myelopathy: AWS-DM26/159M-VPI
Pivo was a son of Ceska and showed as much love of the water as his mother did. He was a tireless retriever and a great upland dog. He put in a number of years doing yeoman's work in the fields and potholes of North Dakota and was regularly found out and about the fields and marshes of Michigan. Having finished both his AKC and UKC championships Pivo was retired from the show ring. Over the two years of his "show career" Pivo garnered a Group 3 at his first UKC show, when he was just eight months old, and held a slot as one of the Top Ten AWS in the UKC for 2002. In June of 2003 Pivo was awarded the Best of Breed ribbon during the Top Ten finalist competition. On the Fourth of July, 2004, Pivo earned his AKC Championship ... we found that very fitting for an AMERICAN Water Spaniel. In May of 2006 Pivo earned his first qualifying ribbon at an AKC hunt test in Wisconsin. Circumstances being what they were, we never had the opportunity to complete his Senior Hunter title, although he did complete three passes toward that title. Pivo also won the 2006 American Water Spaniel Club, Roustabout competition from a field of about 29 other dogs. Pivo performed very well during all of his North American hunting expeditions and reached that age where his experience afield is easily recognized, retiring from the field at 12 years of age. His passing is a bit of a milestone at Little Brownies and he is sadly missed.
Little Brownies Millie Mae
Call name: Millie
Born: June 10, 2002
Died: March 1, 2015
OFA - ECR: AWS 494
OFA Hip: AWS 499G26F-PI
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH13/46F-PI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA118/226F/C-PI
Millie was the daughter of Foxie (UKC/AKC Ch. Kei-Rin's Foxfire) and Vinnie (Little Brownies Vino Dolce). She was a fine all-around field dog that spent most of her time afield in the uplands. Millie played a back-up role on the plains of North Dakota in the past where she was responsible for putting a number of rooster pheasants before the gun and for rooting out a couple of cripples that would have been lost without her exceptional nose. While not a stylish retriever, Millie made certain that the job got done. Millie was retired in the summer of 2011 and remained at our home as an ever present companion who entertained us with her yodels. We will forever miss our "silly Millie!"
Little Brownies Cookie Cutter
Call name: Cutter
Born: April 10, 2004
Died: June 24, 2016
OFA - ECR: AWS 508
OFA Hip: AWS 537G25F-PI
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH14/24F-PI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA130/14F/S-PI
OFA Degenerative Myelopathy: AWS-DM27/131F-VPI
Cutter came to us from an outside kennel and proved to be a wonderful companion dog. She spent a season in the fields of North Dakota but her principal role was companion and ambassador while she lived with our friend Sister Marie Kopin. Despite serving as a companion to Sister Marie, with whom we co-owned Cutter, she was an integral part of our breeding program. She was used on a limited basis in an effort to introduce some new genes to the mix and thus maintain genetic diversity in not only our line but the AWS community at large. Her offspring went on to establish themselves as fine companions and hunting dogs. Cutter's favorite pastime? Keeping all those pesky squirrels out of Sister Marie's yard and fetching anything and everything from the pond.
Little Brownies Violet Flame SH
Call Name: Violet
Born: May 23, 2005
Died: March 9, 2018
OFA - ECR: AWS-547
OFA Hip: AWS-57G25F-PI
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH18/12M-PI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA154/20F/C-PI
OFA Degenerative Myelopathy: AWS-DM28/117F-PI-CAR
Violet was the daughter of Baci (CH. Little Brownies Baci) and Pivo (CH. Little Brownies Ceske Pivo). She was a few months shy of her 13th birthday at her death. Violet earned her AKC Junior and Senior Hunter titles. She demonstrated her hunting prowess both in Michigan and on the prairie and potholes in North Dakota. Taking after her father, Pivo, Violet loved to do it all. She enjoyed a comfortable retirement lounging on one of the dog beds and patrolling the property. She always looked after the young pups even in her older age and took on the duties of matriarch with great vigor.
Little Brownies Brown Sugar SH
Call name: Brownie
Born: March 28, 2007
Died: August 24, 2016
OFA Hip: AWS-620G24M-VPI
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH28/14M-VPI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA190/20M/C-VPI
OFA Degenerative Myelopathy: AWS-DM29/95M-VPI
Brownie was the son of Pivo and Cutter. He lived too short a life but demonstrated his ability in the field and marshes around Michigan and was simply a great companion. He loved the water, and got along great with people and other dogs. Like his father, Brownie was a big lover boy that wanted to be at your feet or in your lap whenever possible. He stood 18" at the shoulder and weighed in at 42 pounds. Brownie was seen at most Great Lakes AWSC events and would occasionally be found running in hunt tests. Brownie sired his first litter in the summer of 2009 and his pups have shown great promise in the field. Brownie earned his AKC Junior Hunter title on August 7, 2011 and went on to earn his first Senior Hunter pass just one week later. In his first weekend of hunt tests for 2012 he completed two Senior Hunter passes and finished his title on August 4, 2012 Brownie. In September of 2013 we put Brownie back into hunt tests and he earned his first three Master Hunter passes. He ran in only one set of tests in 2014 without success but went on to earn his fourth MH pass in the spring of 2015. He needed one more pass to earn the Master Hunter title but time did not give us that opportunity.
California Way Hot Double Shot SH
Call name: Shooter
Born: May 3, 2008
Died: September 11, 2013
DNA Profile #: V667754
OFA - ECR: AWS-602
OFA Hip: AWS-654G28M-VPI
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH32/27MVPI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA207/19M/C-VPI
Shooter came to us from California American Water Spaniels. He stood 18" tall and weighed in at 46 pounds. He was a proficient hunting dog with a love of the water and boundless energy. Shooter sired his first litter in 2011 and his offspring show the same drive and determination he did. Shooter earned his AKC Junior Hunter title on August 7, 2011 and went on to earn his first two Senior Hunter passes just one week later. Shooter completed his Senior Hunter title requirements on May 20, 2012 earning the required four passes in four attempts. We miss him dearly.
Little Brownies Namaste CDX
Call name: Namy
Born: May 22, 2008
Died: July 6, 2020
OFA Hip: AWS-653F28F-VPI
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH33/28F-VPI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA206/18F/C-VPI
OFA Degenerative Myelopathy: AWS-DM30/81F-VPI
Namy is the daughter of Pivo (CH Little Brownies Ceske Pivo) and Cutter (Little Brownies Cooki Cutter). She was the "cover girl" for Purina's Today's Breeder magazine in the fall of 2008. In 2020, just weeks before her passing, the Today's Breeder cover was awarded the honor of being the most popular cover of the magizine's first 100 issues. Namy stands 16.5" tall and weighs in at a scant 30 pounds. She shows great promise as a working gun dog and has gone through some extensive formal field training. Namy loves the water - it is hard to keep her out of it - and rooting around the fields for bird and rabbit scent. When our friend, Peggy Will, lost her AWS suddenly and prematurely in the late summer of 2009 she began a search for her next AWS. Namy had been one of Peggy's favorites and so in the spring of 2010 we offered Namy to Peggy on a trial basis. Namy and Peggy quickly became best of friends and Namy has now gone on to live with Peggy fulltime. Once she passed all of her health clearances she was available to come back to us for breeding on occasion. The rest of the time she spent as Peggy's companion in upstate NY. Namy earned her Companion Dog Excellent (CDX) obedience title in August of 2014. In her later years her daughter, Ginger, became her housemate.
Marshland Gunner of Swan Lake
Call name: Gunner
Born: June 26, 2005
OFA - ECR: AWS-581
OFA Hip: AWS-618E41M-VPI
OFA Thyroid: Equivocal (could not be determined due to problem with blood sample)
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA191/41M/C-VPI
Gunner was owned by Swan Lake Kennel, a kennel that bred AWS from the 1960s into the 2000s, and used to both diversify Little Brownies Kennel's gene pool and to complement what is already in our breeding program. Gunner spent three weeks at our kennel while we obtained his CHIC health clearances and he did his duty as a stud dog. He had a wonderful temperament and demonstrated his drive as a hunting dog while at our home. He played well with other dogs and was great with everyone he met. Swan Lake Kennel bred some of the finest field dogs around, along with show champions, obedience competitors, and more. Gunner was first used in our breeding program in 2009 and again in 2010. His offspring have shown their ability in the field as both upland and waterfowl dogs. Gunner passed away in the fall of 2014.
Edie's Brutus Orion JH
Call name: Brutus
Born: January 1, 2005
OFA Hip: AWS-564G26M-PI
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH20/26M-PI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA158/26M/S-PI
OFA Degenerative Myelopathy: AWS-DM54/129M-PI
Brutus was out of our Pivo bred to Kali (California Artemis Kali). He was a hunting fool and lived a long life of 14+ years. The constant companion to his owners, Gary and Tonja McCullough, he was often seen attending field training sessions with the Great Lakes AWSC. In 2006, at a little over 1.5 years of age, he came in third at the AWSC National Roustabout; an upland hunting competition. Had he not acted like a puppy that day he may have actually won the competition and beaten out his sire, Pivo, who won that year. It was always a pleasure to see Brutus in the field and watch him in the water. He loved to swim and would go all day in the water if allowed. Brutus was never used at stud while he was alive, but his owners had the foresight to bank some sperm when he was young, just in case the day might come when he could be used. That day came in early 2021, when we decided to pair him up with our Ro (Little Brownies Dazzling Aurora JH). The artificial insemination using a transcervical technique was a success. It will be great to see some offspring of his hitting the fields and marshes, and becoming great family companions, as they follow in Brutus' steps.
CH Edie's Lord of the Water Strider, RN, FMCH
Call name: Strider
Born: June 13, 2007
OFA - ECR (eyes): AWS-EYE15/75M-VPI
OFA Hip: AWS-646F33M-VPI
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH31/34M-VPI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA211/30M/C-VPI
OFA Degenerative Myelopathy: AWS-DM40/93M-VPI
Strider was used at stud in September of 2013. He stands a little taller than 18" and weighs in at 45 pounds of solid muscle. He is owned by Gunnar and Theresa Tokar of Gaithersburg, Maryland. In pursuit of his AKC Championship, Strider was shown by Gunnar who was then 11 to 12 years old. Strider participated in one Eukanuba Invitational, two Westminister Kennel Club shows, and three Purina National Championship shows; earning two Best of Opposites, an Award of Merit and 3 Best of Breeds. Strider has obtained his Rally Novice (RN) title and competes in Flyball dog competitions. In Flyball, Strider holds the historic place of the #1 AWS in breed statistics and has earned the North American Flyball Association title of Flyball Master Champion (FMCh). Strider has an awesome temperament and proves his drive and strength in Flyball Racing and in agility training. He demonstrates his happy-go-lucky disposition to get along with other dogs as a team Flyball dog and living with 6 other dogs of different breeds at home. As you will see, if you review his pedigree, Strider is from a breeding of AKC/UKC CH. Little Brownies Ceske Pivo and UKC CH California Artemis Kali. Bringing the two breeding programs together has worked well and produced some excellent hunting and companion dogs.
Little Brownies Sparkling Star MH
Call name: Sparkle
Born: March 14, 2010
Died: October 19, 2020
OFA Hip: AWS-690G30F-VPI
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH34/14F-VPI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA235/15F/C-VPI
OFA Degenerative Myelopathy: AWS-DM32/60F-VPI-CAR
Sparkle was the daughter of Gunner (Marshland Gunner of Swan Lake) and Violet (Little Brownies Violet Flame, SH). Sparkle stood just shy of 17" tall and weighed in at 34 pounds. She was a tireless retrieving dog who had a great penchant for the water. She was trained for both upland and waterfowl work and demonstrated great ability at both. She completed her Junior Hunter title in September of 2012 and her Senior Hunter title in the spring of 2013. She had to take a couple of years off from hunt tests due to our tight schedule but returned to hunt tests in 2017 earning a Master Hunter pass her first time out, she completed her MH title in the spring of 2019, getting her five passes in just eight attempts. Sparkle was a very loving dog with a great desire to please and to be with you whenever she could. She helped to raise puppies by being their guide as they ventured from puppy pen to walks around the farm and often encouraged them to try their first swim. Sparkle was one of our primary hunting dogs and was used to hunt waterfowl, grouse, and pheasants. She hunted in North Dakota and Michigan.
CH Little Brownies Peanut M & M JH
Call name: Peanut
Born: March 14, 2010
Died: October 1, 2021
OFA Hip: AWS-686G26F-VPI
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH35/22F-VPI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA243/22F/C-VPI
OFA Degenerative Myelopathy: AWS-DM34/59F-VPI
Peanut was the daughter of Gunner ( Marshland Gunner of Swan Lake) and Violet (Little Brownies Violet Flame, SH). Like her sister Sparkle she stood just shy of 17" tall and weighed in a little heavier at 35 pounds. She was trained for both upland and waterfowl work and was a regular fixture at Great Lakes AWSC training events. Peanut was a sweet dog that got along well with all people and dogs. She had a beautiful curly coat to go along with that great disposition. Peanut earned her Junior Hunter title in the spring of 2013. She completed her show title on January 22, 2016.
AKC/UKC/Int CH Kraskeys Grand Brown Bear SCN, SIN
Call name: Brown Bear
Born: July 21, 2010
Died: August 23, 2021
OFA Hip: AWS-699G33M-VPI
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH46/63M-VPI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA296/66M/S-PI
OFA Degenerative Myelopathy: AWS-DM45/50M-VPI
Bear is the son of Pivo and Millie. He was owned by Dr. Carolyn Kraskey and participated in and/or trained for a number of dog events. He obtained his AKC championship in 2015 by taking Winners Dog at the AKC parent club's National Specialty. He passed away in 2021.
Int CH Little Brownies I'm Not Telling
Call name: Secret
Born: April 10, 2011
Died: June 22, 2023
OFA Hip: AWS-695G24F-VPI
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH45/49F-VPI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA257/21F/C-VP
OFA Degenerative Myelopathy: AWS-DM36/47F-VPI-CAR
Secret is from Shooter (California Way Hot Double Shot, SH) and Violet ( Little Brownies Violet Flame, SH), two of our most driven hunting dogs. She was shown to her show championships and obedience titles by our friend Jessica Meier and has now come back to us to work on her hunting titles and become a mom. She has tremendous drive in the field and absolutely loves the water. The only thing that may stop that will be her duty as a mom. Whether it is working in the field or doing her obedience training Secret has that typical attitude of an American Water Spaniel. An attitude that craves work and, given the right techniques, illustrates great cooperation. Secret stands at close to 17" tall and weighs in at about 37 pounds. Secret tried her hand at hunt tests in 2014 and earned her first Junior Hunter (JH) pass in September, she finished her JH in May of 2015 and, like all of our dogs, took a couple of years off from hunt tests due to our tight schedule, she completed her Senior Hunter title in 2018.
Wine Country's Zippity Do Da BN, SH
Call name: Zip
Born: February 2, 2010
OFA - ECR: AWS-373993
OFA Hip: AWS-681G26M-VPI
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH37/30M-VPI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA237/19M/C-VPI
OFA Degenerative Myelopathy: AWS-DM33/61M-VPI-CAR
Zip was used at stud for the first time in the fall of 2012. We had seen Zip in the summer of 2011 while attending a hunt test in western New York. We loved his temperament, hunting ability, size and coat. Like many of the Wine Country Kennel dogs he reminded us of our own and so we decided that we would keep an eye on his development for future consideration as a possible stud dog. A year later we were once again at another hunt test in New York where we were able to see Zip complete his Junior Hunter and earn the first pass toward his Senior Hunter title. We were very impressed with him and entered into a conversation with his owners regarding having him stand at stud with one or two of our girls. Having successfully combined Little Brownies Kennel and Wine Country Kennel dogs in the past we were excited about this new pairing and pleased with the outcome. Zip hunted both waterfowl and upland game and was a companion to Shawn Church and Shannon Bozeat in upstate New York.
Night Hawk's Sweet Little Kendra
Call name: Kendra
Born: July 4, 2010
Died: March 6, 2024
OFA Hip: AWS-692G27F-VPI
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH38/27F-VPI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-CA252/27F/P-VPI
OFA Degenerative Myelopathy: AWS-DM35/56F-VPI-CAR
Kendra arrived in mid January 2013 at the age of 2.5 years. While she is from Night Hawk kennels - a well respected breeder known for producing great field dogs - she is also part Little Brownies as her sire was Ike (Little Brownies Night Hawk Ike); a littermate of our Violet (Little Brownies Violet Flame, SH). So, bringing her into our breeding program allows us to diversify the genes a bit without a radical departure from our well known line of AWS. Kendra has been settling in well here in her new home and is learning to be an obedient companion as well as to enjoy the outdoors. She loves to search the cover around the farm for birds and rabbits and shows a natural inclination to quarter, carry and retrieve. Prior to coming to us, Kendra had undergone all four of the necessary health clearances (OFA Hips, Eyes, Thyroid and Cardiac) to make certain that she was physically sound breeding stock. She is 16" tall and a solid 34 pounds. Her last litter was in 2018. She passed away on March 6, 2024.
Little Brownies Dazzling Aurora MH
Call name: Ro
Born: April 3, 2017
Died: December 18, 2024
OFA Hip: AWS-798 E 29 F-VPI
OFA Thyroid: AWS-TH60/30F-VPI
OFA Cardiac: AWS-ACA21/17F-VPI
OFA Degenerative Myelopathy: AWS-DM63/1F-PI
Ro was the daughter of Stone and Kendra. She had been trained as an all-around field dog working on waterfowl and upland birds. Ro was a very loving dog that got along well with both dogs and people. Give her a job and she would do her best to complete the task. As a cooperative, yet spirited girl, she was a pleasure to watch in the field. She loved the water and retrieved with great abandon. Her first litter was born in early 2019 and her last litter in July of 2023 . In June of 2019 she completed her Junior Hunter title and later that year earned two passes toward her Senior Hunter. During the pandemic we continued her field training but chose not to participate in hunt tests until we were vaccinated and the pandemic began to wane. On May 23, 2021 Ro completed the requirements for her Senior Hunter title and moved on the the Master Hunter level tests where she had earned her first Master Hunter pass. She was entered in four hunt tests in 2022 and earned passes in three of those. Her Master Hunter title was completed in 2023. Ro stood 17" tall and weighed in at 36 pounds. Many of her puppies went on to make great companions and field dogs. Loosing a dog so young is always hard but was especially so with Ro given her loving nature and talent.